Age of Apes

Label: Strategy
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    Jan 23, 2024

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  • Age of Apes is a unique strategy-based smartphone game that takes the players on an extravagant journey of apes forging their new civilization in the absence of humanity. Through the course of the game, millions of real players worldwide partake in epic ape vs ape battles to rule the world. In this survival adventure game, players build their own settlements, recruit tribes, unlock technology and chart their path through uncharted lands.
  • Engrossing Gameplay: Age of Apes offers captivating and strategic gameplay where players build and manage their own ape colony.
  • Global Competition: With players vying from all over the globe, players strategize and battle to become the most dominant tribe.
  • Stunning Graphics: Age of Apes is visually striking, featuring a rich environment, detailed characters, and a lush world.
  • Tech Tree: Unlock and progress technology to stay ahead in the space race and thrive in challenging environments.
  • Cross-server Battles: The game offers multiplayer cross-server battles for exciting and dynamic matches.
Gameplay copywriting
  • Age of Apes is a distinctive game that takes the players on an engaging journey of apes striving for survival and civilization. The game offers a challenging and thrilling experience as players compete against each other globally, making strategic decisions to advance their settlements.
  • The game stands out for its high-quality graphics featuring a vibrant environment and a cast of quirky characters.
  • One of the standout features of Age of Apes is the tech tree, which constantly keeps the game fresh, forward-thinking, and strategic. By unlocking and advancing technology, players can outperform competitors and propel their settlement to prosperity.
  • The intense and action-packed cross-server battles make for a lively and unpredictable gaming experience, keeping players on their toes and constantly engaged in the gameplay.

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